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Welcome to the Thomas Ministries website, whose purpose is to report on the investigation of the relationship between science and the biblical Christian faith; an investigation that uses the tools of scientific, philosophical, and theological inquiry. The first thing some of you may have wondered is, "Can there really be an accommodation between the Christian faith and science?" Or, to put it another way, "Can a serious scientist be a serious Christian?" We must say that the general attitude is that neither of these is really possible. For example, when the idea of presenting reconciliation of the Christian faith and science was brought to the attention of one church-going chemist, his adamant and implacable response was "I believe that the earth is 6,000 years old; that the Bible is infallible; and in sola scriptura." Then he walked abruptly away (sola scriptura is a Reformation credo meaning that the final source of authority is Scripture only, as opposed to church tradition). On the other hand, when the idea of presenting reconciliation of the Christian faith and science was presented to a group of scientists that included both atheists and agnostics, the response was uniformly one of open scorn. In neither of these cases was the attitude expressed particularly helpful, nor strongly indicative of open-mindedness. If anything, they demonstrated that neither the religious community, nor the scientific community, are immune to close-mindedness. And since a closed mind cannot grow, such attitudes are commendable for no one, and indeed embody the exact opposite of the spirit of this investigation.

There has also been the approach taken by some to "compartmentalize" science and faith. By viewing them as completely different facets of human existence that are in essence unrelated, the need to reconcile them becomes moot. But it this really how things must be? We believe that the answer to this question is a resounding "NO!" In fact, we believe that there is much to be gained by a thoughtful reconciliation of science and faith. The Thomas Ministries are particularly and unswervingly dedicated to truth, and see the pursuit of truth as the great common denominator to science, philosophy, and the Christian faith. And, despite current attempts to teach otherwise, truth relativized is truth destroyed.

Truth is indeed a two-edged sword, and must be handled with care and knowledgeability, but the basic premise of the Thomas Ministries is that absolute truth exists. The basic function of the Thomas Ministries is to pursue that truth, and the basic promise of the Thomas Ministries is to never intentionally suppress that truth. Indeed, what is scientific investigation, if not the search for the truth about ourselves and the world around us? And what is the Christian faith, if not the search for the truth about ourselves, the world around us, and about God? If science identifies itself as the pursuit of truth, and the biblical Christian faith identifies itself as the revealing of truth, the two ought to meet somewhere! Thus, we arrive at the motto of the Thomas Ministries, "truth arises where science meets faith."

It must be pointed out, however, that Thomas Ministries is not focused on a presentation of so-called "creation science." (under construction) Neither is Thomas Ministries focused on a defense of creation science. Rather, the point is to examine where truth leads us with respect to humanity in particular, and with respect to the world in general. We find the battle cry of "It's either evolution only or creation science only!" to be too limited and unhelpful to properly investigate the actual relationships between the Christian faith and science. We here at Thomas Ministries say instead, "It is truth only, and let the chips fall where they may!" We are interested in following truth, and not dogmatic traditions. And, like it or not, both the scientific and the religious communities are very much beholden to dogmatic traditions. So, with the utmost confidence that the pursuit of truth will ultimately be sufficient to find the necessary common ground between science and the Christian faith, let us begin our investigation!




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